Thursday, May 17, 2007

Beauty basics

" Dharmaarthou sthreeshu lakshmishcha sthreeshu
lokaaha prathishtithaaha |
Suroopaa yauvanasthaa yaa lakshanairyaa vibhooshithaa ||
Yaa vashyaa shikshithaa yaa cha saa sthree vrishyatamaa mathaa|

Beauty tips:

Grate raw coconut and squeeze milk out of it. Apply this milk over your lips and face. It adds grace and glow to your skin.

Cleansing the skin :

Dip a piece of cotton wool in unboiled milk and wipe on the face with it. It also cleans unseen dirt and goes down to pores.

Preventing wrinkles :Application of pure castor oil prevents wrinkles and softens the skin. This slows down the aging process also

Home made conditioner:
mix one table spoon of honey and 2 table spoon of cream. apply this mixture on face and wash it off after few minutes. It works wonders.

Face Packs:

1.Silk Cotton tree thorn paste ( For Pimples)

Ingredients :-

  1. Big thorns of Silk cotton tree.
  2. Milk

Method of preparation :-

Rub thorns briskly and circularly on a grinding stone (Available in Indian stores or temples) sprinkling milk at intervals. The paste start accumulating on grinding stone as the process continues. Collect the paste so formed and apply it as a face pack. This removes pimples and their marks.

2.Split Orange lentils (Masoor dal) Flour pack ( Gives glow to Skin)


  1. Split orange lentils (Masoor dal flour which is available in Indian stores) flour
  2. Milk
  3. Ghee

Method of preparation :-

Prepare a paste by mixing the flour with ghee and milk .Apply this as face pack. This enhances the glow of skin.

3.Sandal wood powder pack (Rejuvenates skin)


  1. Sandal wood powder
  2. Turmeric powder
  3. Milk

Method of preparation:-

Mix all the ingredients to form a paste. Apply this as face pack. This rejuvenates the skin